Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear President-Elect Obama

During his campaign, President-Elect Obama pledged to "make ending genocide in Darfur a priority from Day One" of his new administration. It is important that he be held to this promise--that as activists we push now for the end of this genocide, not just a continued management of the crisis. According to the Save Darfur Coalition, "Bold steps will require a "peace surge" by the new Administration; strong American leadership and full-scale use of diplomatic resources can create a peace process that would finally achieve a breakthrough which ends the conflict."

There are many simple actions that you can take to help make sure the president-elect upholds his campaign promise. The most simple is to sign the petition to President-Elect Obama on this page (in right column). You can also go to Save Darfur, read the press release on this issue, and download the letter to President-Elect Obama, then write your own letter to the president-elect.

John Prendergast, ENOUGH! co-chair, said, “The election of President Obama is an opportunity for a fundamental change in the world’s approach to Sudan. The time is ripe to work with our international partners, including China and the European Union, to stop simply managing the symptoms of Darfur and actually end the conflict.”

Finally, you can write to your Senators and ask that questions about Darfur are included during confirmation hearings for officials in the Obama administration.

Don't let this opportunity pass us by. Take action today!