Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ask Your Representative to Co-Sponsor House Resolution 131

H.R. 131 Concerns the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the need for international efforts toward long-term peace, stability, and observance of human rights.

Support H.R. 1692, the Sudan Peace, Security, and Accountability Act of 2013

Send a message to your member of Congress asking them to cosponsor H.R. 1692, the Sudan Peace, Security, and Accountability Act of 2013. It's a strong piece of legislation that needs your support to get passed — one that will help in dealing with protection of civilians, emergency aid, and punishment for perpetrators of mass violence.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Free Film Showing
Monday, April 29, 2013
7:00 PM
The Last Survivor is an award winning, feature-length documentary film that presents the stories of four Survivors and their struggle to make sense of tragedy by working to educate a new generation, inspire tolerance and spark a civic response to mass atrocity crimes. Following the lives of survivors of four different genocides and mass atrocities – The Holocaust, Rwanda, Darfur, and Congo – The Last Survivor presents a unique opportunity to learn from the lessons and mistakes of our past in order to have a lasting social impact on how we act collectively in the face of similar issues which still exist today.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Texas State Legislature proclaimed April 2011 as Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month.  The first San Antonio Walk Against Genocide was held in April 2012.  This year we will continue to build on the precedent set by our legislature and hold the Second Annual San Antonio Walk Against Genocide, where people of all ages and backgrounds will gather to walk with genocide survivors.  The goal of the walk is to inform and engage the San Antonio Community about genocide and mass atrocities happening in the world today.

The second annual San Antonio Walk Against Genocide will take place on April 7, 2012 at Barshop Jewish Community Center.   Organizations working in the areas of conflict resolution, peace-building and genocide awareness/prevention will have tables where Walk participants can educate themselves and learn how to get involved.  Funds raised will support the San Antonio Coalition Against Genocide  to further support genocide prevention and other groups working to help survivors of genocide.