Monday, April 23, 2007

Global Days of Action for Darfur

We are now officially in the Global Days of Action for Darfur (April 23-30). The goal for the next week is for all of us to take action, to tell our leaders "Time Has Run Out for Talk" and that it is time to implement--and enforce--tough sanctions that compel the government of Sudan to allow the deployment of international peacekeepers.

What you can do:

1) Call the White House--(202) 456-1414. Tell the President you support the sanctions he spoke about in his speech on April 18th at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and that you want them implemented by May 1 if international peacekeepers have not been deployed to Darfur.

Read President Bush's Speech

2) Support divestment and learn what you can do to keep your money from funding the genocide:

Let Senator Cornyn know you support the
Sudan Divestment Authorization Act of 2007 (S. 831) he introduced that makes it clear it is constitutional for states to divest from companies doing business with the government of Sudan. 202-224-2934 Read what Senator Cornyn has to say about Darfur

Ask Senator Hutchison to support the Sudan Divestment Authorization Act of 2007 (S. 831) introduced by Senator Cornyn.

Tell your state representative that you support Texas' divestment from companies doing business with the government of Sudan (HB 1569). Find your Representative

Learn more about divestment (and perhaps work to personally divest):

3) Contribute to humanitarian aid through the International Medical Corps--specify Chad/Darfur on the drop-down menu. Pictures of refugees on this page were taken at an IMC refugee camp in Chad.

4) Host a Gathering Against Genocide (GAG) in your home or at the San Antonio Holocaust Museum. These events are designed to educate others about what is happening in Darfur and spur them to action. You might show the movie Hotel Rwanda, then hold a letter writing session. Or, hold a "Dinner for Darfur" where you ask your guests for donations for humanitarian aid. There are endless opportunities for action. Be creative. The more people working to end this crisis, the more effective we will be.

5) If you are a gallery or restaurant owner or manager and would like to spread the word about Darfur, contact us about displaying photographs of refugees, taken by Caesar Ricci. We have framed, high-quality photographs ready for display. Help spread the word! Email for information.

6) Come to the next SAIDC meeting (May 22) to learn about what we have in the works, and contribute your ideas!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Remembering Peter Monod

We are sad to report that a founding member of SAIDC, Peter Monod, has passed away. Peter represented the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Please read more about this giving person at:

Peter Monod

He will be sorely missed.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Darfur Hearing

The Senate Commiteee on Foreign Relations held hearings concerning Darfur on April 11th. You can read what they heard at:

Darfur: A Plan to Stop Genocide

Lawrence Rossin from the Save Darfur Coalition was one of the speakers. His comments have good information on the latest thoughts from Save Darfur concerning what the US needs to be doing to help the people of Darfur.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Those of us attempting to stop the genocide in Darfur have much to learn from those who have survived a genocide. Jay Ipson, Holocaust survivor and director of the Virginia Holocaust Museum, will be the guest speaker at Yom Hashoah on Sunday, April 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Agudas Achim. For more information go to the Jewish Federation of San Antonio.